Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quote: from The Stand by Stephen King

No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just... come out the other side.

~ Quoted from The Stand by Stephen King


  1. Ugh, was this the book that was made into a scary miniseries?

  2. @Blodeuedd: That's correct! I have never really watch the series though but after reading the book, I surely feel like I *need* to. Gary Sinise and Rob Lowe were both in the series. That makes it even more exciting! Have you ever watch it yourself?

  3. love the quote! i've never read anything by stephen king.

  4. K this one, I've never read. But I do love some Stephen King in my life sometimes. Might have to give this one a go. Which one is your fav King novel?

  5. @Jillian: I've to admit that I'm not a Stephen King's aficionado as I only started reading his books this year. I've absolutely in love with The Stand and I think the two books I read from his Dark Tower series were also brilliant!

  6. I never read a book written by Stephen King, but I did watch that movie with the family in that hotel. So scary! ;)

  7. O wow. I love that. So prophetic and honest.

  8. Oooh, Stephen King!! Wow, this quote is actually so profound :) :) Nice find! And a happy friday to you!

  9. Great quote! This was one of those books where I couldn't get into the story, but enjoyed the movie. King is hit or miss for me, as some of his books leave me cold.Alexia's Books and Such...

  10. King is too scary for me but he certainly does have some apropos writing, doesn't he?

  11. Pssst drop me an email when you make a comeback :)

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  13. I just found this blog and it's absolutely wonderful. Everything about it! And I love this quote too! :)- Diana (
